
Friday, 21 January 2011


Well~ this post is just to some person who follow & like this blog.. so, if you want your name to be listed here, follow this blog ! *promoting* errr.. maybe just visit & like this blog.. even if you don't like , yaa.. what to do lah *singaporenglish mode : on* well .. i'm not gonna force you to follow this blog.. it's just up to you  from your deepest heart. nanananananana *crazy mode : on* 

Thanks To These Followers:  

  1. Michiko
  2. Michiko Lee *same name ?*
  3. Tadashi Ryutaro
  4. Mio Akiyama
  5. Hatefull Jamz
  6. -김태리-
  7. noel angelica
  8. Mrs. Kim Jonghyun
Thanks To These 'LIKELICIOUS' Person :

  1. Kawaii Ichigo
  2. Van Da Na
  3. Shiro Petto
  4. Michiko Chann
  5. Tadashi Boo
  6. Vantana Tjendana
  7. Meilleur Kimimaro
  8. Miki Tangela
  9. Mio 秋山澪 
  10. Vandana Tjendana  *almost same with number 6 huh ? or they are twins ??*
  11. Siloquen Zenon

** : sorry if there's any wrong in spelling your names.. >//<

Saturday, 8 January 2011

hello hello (again?)

HAHAHAHAHA *crazy laugh*
Yeayy !! now I can design my own blog !! YEAYY !!! *crazier* but.. one thing that I can't use other fonts.. but that's not why I'm writing this post *WTF* I'm quite happy because in ONLINE GAME , we just married (?) . here is the photo .. 

                Dramorion played the boy one and Heatran played the girl one 
And let me tell you that this game only at Indonesia , Korea also have this game , but very very different ! 
*promoting Indonesia*

Thursday, 6 January 2011

hello~ (?)

hello.. this is my FIRST time making a blog (╥﹏╥).. hope you can laugh enjoy my blog~ ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ and the purpose of making this blog is just for "FUN" not for useless things .. and maybe I have to warn you that my english isn't too good because I'm not an American or British  like that.. I'm an Indonesian.. ٩(-̮̮̃•̃) so.. hope you enjoy our blog !!!

 By the way , I'm a manga lover , such as Naruto , One Piece , Shugo Chara like that . And I'm also a K-Pop lover , such as Big Bang , SHINee , Super Junior , Kara , Girls Generation , After School , and so on ~ (。‿◕。)