
Friday, 11 March 2011

TWITTER :D #part 2

HELLO ! (again?)

once again, i want to "promote" twitter again .. :D but now, not Dramorion's twitter profile , it's Heatran's ! yippiee !! here is Heatran's twitter profile and here is Dramorion's twitter profile < again ? a good news again !! we have the twitter for Dramorion and Heatran, and it's called .... @Dramo_Heat !! well, maybe that's all about this post. hope you will follow these persons. just remember to mention after you follow them , or maybe they will follow you back automatically ! GBU ! :)

@nichie_gd for Dramorion , and @VandanaTjendana for Heatran ! and 
 @Dramo_Heat for Dramo_Heat !!

PrayForJapan :'(

sorry readers maybe you missed me . in this post i've to post in indonesia language. because i don't know what is the english of such many sentences in the paragraph. as you know, recently , there is a huge earthquake and tsunami in Japan, even #tsunami #prayforjapan Tokyo Disneyland are the trending topics in twitter. :( here is the text :

Gempa 8,8 SR Guncang Jepang

Tokyo - Jepang kembali diguncang gempa bumi. Gempa berkekuatan 8,8 Skala Richter (SR) mengguncang Tokyo dan wilayah sekitarnya. Otoritas Jepang pun mengeluarkan peringatan tsunami.

Menurut badan meteorologi Jepang, gempa terjadi sekitar pukul 14.46 waktu setempat dengan kedalaman sekitar 10 kilometer.

Gempa tersebut membuat gedung-gedung di Tokyo bergoyang. Orang-orang pun panik berlarian ke jalan-jalan. Badan Meteorologi Jepang mengeluarkan peringatan tsunami untuk seluruh pantai Jepang, Rusia dan Mariana Islands. Diingatkan bahwa gelombang air setinggi hingga 6 meter bisa menghantam pantau dekat wilayah Miyagi.

Demikian seperti diberitakan BBC, Jumat (11/3/2011).

Menurut badan Survei Geologi AS atau USGS, gempa tersebut berkekuatan 8,8 SR dan melanda sekitar 400 kilometer dari Tokyo dengan kedalaman 20 mil.

Menurut saksi-saksi mata, saat gempa terjadi, kereta super cepat Shinkansen yang tengah melaju pun mendadak berhenti.

Beberapa hari terakhir ini Jepang beberapa kali diguncang gempa. Termasuk gempa berkekuatan 7,3 SR yang melanda Jepang pada Rabu, 9 Maret lalu.

Jepang Dilanda Tsunami Setinggi 4 Meter


Jepang Dilanda Tsunami Setinggi 4 Meter  

Tokyo - Gempa berkekuatan 8,9 Skala Richter mengguncang Jepang. Gempa tersebut menimbulkan gelombang tsunami di sejumlah daerah.

Gelombang tsunami dilaporkan terjadi di Kota Onahama di wilayah Fukushima. Belum ada laporan korban dalam peristiwa ini. Menurut televisi NHK, Jumat (11/3/2011), gelombang tsunami tersebut setinggi empat meter.

Gempa ini disebut-sebut sebagai gempa terdahsyat dalam 7 tahun. Gempa ini terjadi pada pukul 14.46 waktu setempat. Otoritas Jepang langsung mengeluarkan peringatan tsunami pasca gempa dahsyat tersebut.

Gempa tersebut membuat gedung-gedung di Tokyo bergoyang. Orang-orang pun panik berlarian ke jalan-jalan.

Badan Meteorologi Jepang mengeluarkan peringatan tsunami untuk seluruh pantai Jepang, Rusia dan Mariana Islands. Diingatkan bahwa gelombang air setinggi hingga 6 meter bisa menghantam pantai dekat wilayah Miyagi.

Let's hope that Japan will recover soon !! We will always pray for you ! Hope this kind of disaster won't exist anymore. :) 

Saturday, 12 February 2011


Hello ~ it's been a long time since I created a post here.. miss me?? and todayy , I came here with a news that ........

Dramorion now is on Twitter ! , here is Dramorion's twitter profile , follow me , and I'll follow you back .. :D
And maybe that's all about the news~ thank you .. 

Friday, 21 January 2011


Well~ this post is just to some person who follow & like this blog.. so, if you want your name to be listed here, follow this blog ! *promoting* errr.. maybe just visit & like this blog.. even if you don't like , yaa.. what to do lah *singaporenglish mode : on* well .. i'm not gonna force you to follow this blog.. it's just up to you  from your deepest heart. nanananananana *crazy mode : on* 

Thanks To These Followers:  

  1. Michiko
  2. Michiko Lee *same name ?*
  3. Tadashi Ryutaro
  4. Mio Akiyama
  5. Hatefull Jamz
  6. -김태리-
  7. noel angelica
  8. Mrs. Kim Jonghyun
Thanks To These 'LIKELICIOUS' Person :

  1. Kawaii Ichigo
  2. Van Da Na
  3. Shiro Petto
  4. Michiko Chann
  5. Tadashi Boo
  6. Vantana Tjendana
  7. Meilleur Kimimaro
  8. Miki Tangela
  9. Mio 秋山澪 
  10. Vandana Tjendana  *almost same with number 6 huh ? or they are twins ??*
  11. Siloquen Zenon

** : sorry if there's any wrong in spelling your names.. >//<

Saturday, 8 January 2011

hello hello (again?)

HAHAHAHAHA *crazy laugh*
Yeayy !! now I can design my own blog !! YEAYY !!! *crazier* but.. one thing that I can't use other fonts.. but that's not why I'm writing this post *WTF* I'm quite happy because in ONLINE GAME , we just married (?) . here is the photo .. 

                Dramorion played the boy one and Heatran played the girl one 
And let me tell you that this game only at Indonesia , Korea also have this game , but very very different ! 
*promoting Indonesia*

Thursday, 6 January 2011

hello~ (?)

hello.. this is my FIRST time making a blog (╥﹏╥).. hope you can laugh enjoy my blog~ ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ and the purpose of making this blog is just for "FUN" not for useless things .. and maybe I have to warn you that my english isn't too good because I'm not an American or British  like that.. I'm an Indonesian.. ٩(-̮̮̃•̃) so.. hope you enjoy our blog !!!

 By the way , I'm a manga lover , such as Naruto , One Piece , Shugo Chara like that . And I'm also a K-Pop lover , such as Big Bang , SHINee , Super Junior , Kara , Girls Generation , After School , and so on ~ (。‿◕。)